, A city where twins live in every house!

City of Twins: Sometimes you must have seen some people who are twins. Their faces would match each other. Today we will tell you about a city where only twins are seen everywhere. Yes, there is hardly any family here where twins do not live. Many studies have also been done here on the birth of such a number of twins, so that it can be understood why twins are born here. In which some different reasons came out. Let’s know about this unique city

Which is this city?

People name this city as City of twins. This city is in Nigeria, whose name is Igbo-Ora. The population of this city of twin people is 2 lakh 78 thousand. But the rate of birth of twins here is so high that it is called the twin capital of the world. There are 158 births of twins in every 1000 births. This is much higher than the twin birth rate in Europe and America. 33 out of every 1000 births in America and 16 in Europe are twins.

There is a different view on the streets here

Igbo-Ora town is at a distance of 80 kilometers from Lagos. Most of the people living here are farmers and small traders. While walking on the streets of this city, one would feel as if his eyes are seeing everything twice. If you go to the eye doctor after being confused, then it will not be surprising.

What is the reason?

According to an estimate, about 1.9% of the total population of the world are twins. But in Igbo-Ora town every family is full of twins. Studies show that due to the food and drink of the women here, the birth of twins is so high. According to a study done by the University of Lagos, a special chemical is found in the body of the women here, which is found here. Found in the peel of fruits. Because of this women give birth to twins.

Gynecologists here say that yams, cassava and yam tubers are an important part of the diet of women here. Due to this, a special type of chemical or hormone is produced in the body and during pregnancy, it causes the fertilization of two eggs in the uterus and twins are born.

However, the local people believe that the soup named okra leaf or Ilasa soup is the reason. By the way, no proof has been found so far to prove the connection of these edible fruits or soup with the birth of twins in any scientific way.

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